Friday, April 29, 2011

A New Creation

This is a strange feeling. Strange but exhilarating! I feel transported back through time to 2005 when writing was the blood in my veins, the apple of my eye. This is an introduction of sorts...strike that. This is a MISSION STATEMENT. I feel it is necessary to tell people that this blog is not going to be fact, I do not intend to write on topics that will merely get me views and comments. No, fair people, this blog is for me. My thoughts, my dreams, my goals, my downfalls. You can follow along if you like, though I do not guarantee you will always like what you read, a few of you may perhaps...relate? to these things written.
My grade 10 and 11 English teacher used to make us do a 'Free Write' in the last ten minutes of every class. She would tell us to take pen to hand and write. Just write. No stopping. DEFINITELY no thinking. I found that through this exercise, what I wrote was much more simple and real than any grandios, flowery thing I could ever jot given more time. And so, good people of the internet world, please consider these humble episcles as nothing more and nothing less than a bloggish 'Free Write', straight from the heart (the true house of creativity), not the head.

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