Sunday, May 1, 2011


Musical suggestion for this post:
Oleander by Sarah Harmer (Canadian!)

I could of been a great many things, dear readers.

At age 7 I dreamed of nursing wounded animals back to health as a sympathetic veternarian.
At age 12 I swooned at the thought of unearthing ancient runes in Egypt.
At age 13 I was sure, beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was going to be a writer.
At age 16 my positive calling was to be the single, mysterious local librarian.
At age 21 I challenged myself with the idea of becoming a conservation officer.

I've been working since I was eleven years old. I've been a barista, a Story Time Lady and page, a housekeeper, a Front Desk clerk, and a nanny. I've enjoyed every job I have ever had and for that I have been truly blessed. ALL my jobs have taught me some kind of important lesson about people or life in general and in every job I have formed relationships I wouldn't trade for anything.
Now at age 22, as I finished up some of my courses (toward becoming a conservation officer), I have come to a crossroads. Should I go by my own feelings and go to school for this program that would provide me with a job that I could keep for the rest of my life, or do I just give myself up completely to God and ask Him to lead me through His Spirit? I have this desire in my heart to just do the right thing. I don't want to finish all this school and realize that the Lord wants something else completely different for me...I don't believe in wasting money, especially on school you never get to impliment or use. I've been praying about this for awhile and seeking God and I am positive I will find the answer soon.
Trusting someone, even our glorious God, is hard for a lot of people. They are so afraid of failure or doing the wrong thing that they just decide for themselves what is best. I am so glad that I realize now before it's too late that only God knows best. He knows the plans He has for me and those plans are to build me up and make me the best person I can be...even down to finding me the right husband and the right path for my future.

Dad, (Jesus)
you know how much I've been struggling with these life decisions. You see my heart and my faults and you love me in spite of it all. Sometimes I think that you're telling me to do things but then I realize that it's my own flesh that is speaking. Please help me to cast aside my flesh and the ways of the World, for I am a new creation...ever since the day I accepted you into my life. Only you know the right path for me Jesus, I just have to quiet down all my other thoughts and feelings so I can truly hear your voice in my heart. Thank you that I WILL know the answers you give and that I WILL have the courage to carry them out. Teach me to be a fisher of the lost. I know you have given me the power to do excedingly and abundantly above all I can think or imagine...I just have to have the courage to act.


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